Sunday 22 August 2010

Pebble Potion (Post 11)

Wirework, like most techniques, is something that needs mastering to produce bespoke jewellery.  There are times when you may see that 'perfect' pebble or individual jewelled item that just doesn't have a 'hole' in it.  Oh dear, if you drill it, it may break the drill ... or may be too precious to risk drilling in the first place.

Therefore ... wirework comes into its own.

I started out with all good intention of explaining techniques etc, and I even droned on about basic tools blah blah blah ... then, I stopped myself, for two very good reasons.  There are some great sites out there and secondly, very helpful Jewellery forums who have a wealth of information and can be much more detailed and instantaneous than a blog.  Plus ... its still a learning curve to me.

One thing I would say, is wireworking is quite a minimal outlay, and if your already making jewellery, you'll probably have enough tools to make a start.  Pliers, round-nose for making loops, flat nose for holding loops and coiling, wire cutters ... that's enough to start with.  Google wirework and launch yourself forward.

I would also suggest you buy some cheap wire and practice with that before any expense of craftwire or silver.  I pick up some bargains in the PoundStore.  Try my design on that, then do the 'real' one.

Mookaite project ... mmmm - 'on hold' is the easiest thing to say.  I can't seem to find the inspiration I need to move with this?  I want to link it in with wirework - so I'll get back on that.  I have another project I want to post tomorrow and one more lined up.

Until later, 'Keep Watching, and I'll Keep Blogging'



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