Thursday, 21 October 2010

Passing Through (Post 19)

I have been away and I'm a little behind in catching up ... but was amazed to see that I now have 30 followers!  Which made me think, first I need to welcome these lovely people who have linked to my blog - and secondly, reassure you all that I'm still here ...

A Huge Welcome To:

A jewellery designer with a whole range of beautiful jewellery 

A talented lady from Greece, who has a variety of crafts including lovely jewellery

Amelia is from Belguim and has an inspiring blog which she writes in her native language and English.  She recently got hooked on paper beads and has some gorgeous jewellery and great tutorials which I'm keen to put to practice.

Lottie of London
A follower of jewellery

Thank you everybody for your support -tonight I am just passing through myself but will be posting over the weekend.

'Keep Watching and I'll Keep Blogging'
